“The Impossible”

with Jean-Luc Nancy

As possibilities change, the impossible also seems to be in mutation.

Friday, January 1, 2021


“Expending Time”

with Amanda Boetzkes

Assuming modes of life beyond the conservative and economical model of the organism gives to philosophy the chance for thinking of a plurality that does not multiply the singular, but individualizes instead a common dispersion.

Monday, February 1, 2021


“The Unsustainable”

with Slavoj Žižek

Home, which is supposed to protect us, causes us anxiety. The uncanny is no longer what is outside, it does not come from remote, unprotected territories, but rather from the fact of being home and not feeling at ease.

Monday, March 1, 2021


“Magic Materialism”

with Claire Fontaine

Imagining the earth as one interconnected totality is now enhanced by a multitude of networking systems that unify otherwise separate environments into totalitarian violence on a global scale.

Thursday, April 1, 2021


“Rise and Fall of Apocalypse Empire”

with Srećko Horvat

Now that this age seems to be exhausted, its end reveals the need to decolonize time from the empire of our present, with its belief that everything will be decided by us, that everything has to do with us and has to respond to us.

Saturday, May 1, 2021


“Dump Philosophy”

with Michael Marder

Metaphysical elevation took us away from any place, in direction of its celestial plus ultra. But it has also generated a radical delimitation of the human world towards any outside,  producing an asphyxiating world, without margins or remainder, synchronized with the inanimate skies of metaphysics.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021